校長的話 - 新學年,愈益精彩!
日期: 01/09/2023
Principal Kwok Man Lai
The new school year is getting better and better!
I am very honoured to be the new principal of HKTA Yuen Yuen Institute Shek Wai Kok Primary School and a member of SWK family. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ex-Principal Mak Yee Wah for her wholehearted dedication and outstanding leadership over the years. SWK has always been people-oriented. The balanced development of our students, as well as the needs and concerns of parents is an important consideration in our plans to implement a number of optimising measures in the new school year.
增聘外籍英語教師 營造良好的英語學習氛圍
Recruiting more Native English Teachers to create a good atmosphere for English learning
石小十分重視英文科的發展,深諳為學生營造良好學習英語環境的重要性,故此,在 2023/24 學年已聘請 4 位外籍英語教師 ( NETs ),積極推動各個年級的課程改革,優化課堂學與教。於 一年級及二年級的英文課,本地和外籍英語教師均會每堂同時進入課室 ,施行多元化的協作教學,逐步增加學生接觸英文的深廣度。此外,外籍英語教師也會為同學舉辦不同種類的英語活動,並透過頻繁的日常交談,成就多聽、多說的英語學習環境,以 提升學生應用英語的信心及興趣 。
SWK attaches great importance to the development of the English subject, and is well aware of the importance of creating a good language environment for students to learn English. Therefore, 4 native english teachers (NETs) have been recruited for the 2023/24 school year. The NETs will actively promote curriculum reform at all levels, optimising classroom learning and teaching. Both our local English teachers and NETs will co-teach the Primary 1 and Primary 2 English classes while, at the same time, implementing diversified collaborative teaching, and gradually increasing the depth and breadth of our students’ exposure to English. In addition, NETs will organise different types of English activities, and through frequent daily conversations, an English-rich learning environment that facilitates listening and speaking can be created with the aim to increase students’ confidence and interest in applying English .
強化STREAM教育 培育21世紀人才
Strengthening STREAM education and cultivating talents in the 21st century
*S=科學 T=科技 R=閱讀 E=工程 A=藝術 M=數學
SWK has always been appreciated for promoting the development of STEAM. In the new school year, our school will focus on STREAM education*. We are committed to promoting innovation and technology teaching, enabling every student to learn happily through hands-on experiences, to master the integrated knowledge and skills from different subjects, and to cultivate creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills through extensive reading. Our students can be equipped to learn coding, build up computational thinking and get prepared for the future where they can use new skills for social good with information literacy. At the meantime, each classroom and special room in our campus is equipped with an interactive smart blackboard to increase students’ participation and promote more effective interaction, preparing them to meet the digital future.
* S=Science T=Technology R=Reading E=Engineering A=Art M=Mathematics
重視校園關愛文化 建立健康的生活方式
Emphasising campus caring culture and establishing a healthy lifestyle
SWK has carefully arranged a new full-day class timetable for students, in line with the curriculum renewal recommendations of the Education Bureau. There is 100-minute break time for students every day, so that they can enjoy enough rest and game time, and have more opportunities to get along with schoolmates. There is also enough flexible lesson time. For example, there are tutorial lessons which allow students to complete parts of their assignments at school. They can also consult the teachers when encountering learning difficulties. By doing this, we aim to reduce the academic pressure of both students and parents, and help them best arrange their time for participating in extracurricular activities. We are convinced that a variety of extracurricular activities can help students broaden their horizons, as well as acquire different knowledge and abilities. It is also an important way to carry out moral education and nurture students’ noble sentiments. Therefore, in addition to the co-curricular activities in the Wednesday timetable, we also organise different types of diverse activities after school and on weekends.
Our SWK team firmly believe that education starts from the heart. And through close communication and cooperation with parents and other parties, we aim to nurture our students into holistic individuals. Education should not only be focused on the acquisition of academic knowledge but also on expanding the boundaries of the students’ potential. We hope to strengthen our students to face the challenges in this ever-changing global environment and to become responsible and valuable contributors to society.